Monday, July 25, 2005


OK, kids, it's goodbye, iBlog software -- hello, Blogger.

We hoped it wouldn't come to this. We liked Lifli, the company that makes iBlog. We just don't recommend it as a client when you're jamming past the 1,000-post mark.

If you've hit CHATTER in the past and have us bookmarked, thanks. Don't forget the change of address. Hopefully, it's easier than the whole mess.

With a little time we'll restore all the old files and place them in the CHATTER Public File .

Sorry to be surly. Sorry for the inconvenience. A software meltdown wasn't supposed to be in the deck.



Anonymous said...

Chatter finally has a comments feature!

Anonymous said...

Oh thank goodness! I thought you'd packed up and headed for some mountaintop to contemplate your navel. Or you'd been beamed aboard the mothership. Or you really are just a figment of someone's imagination and had been truly outed at the Springfield Bloggers gathering last week.

Thankfully, Randy Turner of the Turner Report notified us of your new address. On a mountaintop. Aboard the mothership. In someone's imaginary world.