This single graf illustrates the point:
We don't often think of Purple Heart winners and peace protesters at the same time. One group makes major sacrifices to fight and defend our country during wartime, often with greater concern for the safety of their comrades than for themselves. The other group protests the very concept of war, trumpeting unpopular ideals in an effort to make a difference and save lives.
Oh. That's too bad.
I thought the same thing when I read the editorial.
Journalists are taught (by j-schools and the profession) to understand the world in terms of dichotomies.
When I read the editorial, I wondered if the writer has ever heard of VVAW (Vietnam Veterans Against the War).
False dichotomies:
•You're either with us, or with the terrorists.
•If evolution isn't a fact, then "intelligent design" must be true.
•Wounded warriors cannot be peace protesters.
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