Sunday, November 06, 2005


If you're free next Monday, Nov. 14, and you're tooling around Virginia Beach, Va., you may wish to consider lunch at the Founders Inn. There you will find John Ashcroft -- former attorney general, former Missouri governor, former Man from Greene County, Mo. -- doling out wisdom for $30 a head. A calendar listing notes:
Former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft is now a distinguished professor of law and government for Regent University.
The school claims to be "America's preeminent Christian university," and because school leaders claim a thisclose relationship with God, we must assume it is better than Evangel University, which claims only to be "boldly Christian, unquestionably academic." Ashcroft must feel somewhat conflicted; his father was Evangel's president from 1958-74.

Regent University, however, was created by an even greater man than J. Robert Ashcroft:
Dr. M. G. "Pat" Robertson, founder and president of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), had an inspired vision to establish a graduate-level institution that would train men and women for the challenge of representing Christ in their professions. In 1978, Robertson's vision materialized, as 70 students began classes.
Jesus John and Prophet Pat, together on one college campus. This could be bigger than Dead Guy and Ebert.

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