Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Chatsworth High School, 1976: It sounded like a really cool idea to deep-six a time capsule with cornball stuff from the bicentennial year.

But after an hour in the sun this week, watching a gardener dig holes in the school lawn, the question among alums is: Now, where did we put that time capsule? The Associated Press reports:
The capsule -- a three-foot length of plastic pipe -- was said to contain sheet music, American bicentennial commemorative tassel, mood ring and Pet Rock.

None of the alumni were present for its burial three decades ago and relied on rumors about its location.

They intend to keep looking.

"We'll do some more research and get to the bottom of this," Renee Serkin-Leshner, 47, said.

John Deary, 18, a member of the Class of 2006, had a possible explanation.

"Maybe it wasn't as good of a secret as they thought," he said. "Maybe someone else came and dug it up."
Or maybe they were high when they buried it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's what I was thinking! It was 1976, after all.