Sunday, November 05, 2006


The school district in Hope, Calif., wants to quit using paper and pen to figure out how many students eat lunch in the cafeteria. The Associated Press reports:
The Hope Elementary School District has notified parents that, beginning this month, students at Monte Vista, Vieja Valley and Hope elementary schools will press an index finger to a scanner before buying cafeteria food.

The scan will call up the student's name and student ID, teacher's name and how much the student owes, since some receive government assistance for food.

It is meant to speed up cafeteria lines. ...

Currently, the information is written on paper and transferred to computer so reports can be compiled and sent to the state and federal governments, which reimburse school districts for the subsidized lunches served.
If this came to your school district, would you let your kid participate?


Anonymous said...

No. And no drug tests, either. Big Brother isn't just watching, now it is keeping records and passing laws that make it okay to imprison you indefinitely without formal charges, purportedly because the government perceives you as a threat. Keep your spies away from my child.

Anonymous said...

This is worse than 1984. It's like, 1985 or something!

Amy Bell said...

I think they'd be packing lunches...

Anonymous said...

It's already here, folks.
It's already here.
You can find the story at: