Monday, January 08, 2007


Not many details at this hour. The collision occurred in the Arabian Sea, according to a Japanese defense ministry official. Reuters has the skinny:
The spokesman said the ministry was investigating the incident but no other details were immediately available.
No immediate report of injuries, but CNN says there is damage.


John Stone said...

We have also sent (or it's getting ready to sail) a second carrier battle group there. It's getting crowded in that theater. A run-up to attacking Iran? I think so ...

John Stone said...

Iguess we can tell Tom Clancy that all that goody-goody listening gear on the LA class subs ain't worth didly when you can't hear a 100,000 ton tanker from a hundred yards away.

We need Clell Harmon to read your blog so we can harass the old officer-loving Chief some more.

Anonymous said...

When I saw the headline on this item I was concerned that maybe Jimmy John's had started selling sushi. Thankfully I was wrong.