Wednesday, September 28, 2005


This century's Scopes trial is in its third day in Pennsylvania, where a federal judge is hearing evidence in a case against the Dover School District.

The school board voted 6-3 last year to include so-called "intelligent design" in biology class. Teachers were required to read a statement before studies of evolution; the statement insists Darwin's theory is "not a fact" and lets students know that there's a book on ID waiting for them in the school library.

Several people in the district filed suit, alleging that ID is nothing more than creationism smeared in BS and passed off as science.

If ID is warmed-over creationism, it can't be taught in a public school. The Supreme Court outlawed that pesky practice in 1987, ruling it a violation of church-state separation.

Intelligent-design proponents say ID isn't about God. But that claim sustained a serious blow on Wednesday, according to the York Daily Record:
[A]n expert for the plaintiffs pointed to examples where its supporters have identified the designer, and the designer is God.

Robert Pennock, a Michigan State University professor of the philosophy of science, pointed to a reproduction shown in court of writing by Phillip Johnson, a law professor at the University of California-Berkeley and author of books including “Darwin on Trial” and “Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds.”

Johnson, known as the father of the intelligent design movement, wrote of “theistic realism.”

“This means that we affirm that God is objectively real as Creator, and that this reality of God is tangibly recorded in evidence accessible to science, particularly in biology,” the writing stated.
People who want to teach intelligent design in science class try to reassure the uninformed that all they want to do is "teach the controversy." If they're serious, we can't wait for the class on alien beings seeding the Earth to relieve overpopulation in their galaxy. Hey, it's another theory. Just like intelligent design.

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