The slicks ads -- Thompson is famous in political circles for his work on Republican campaigns -- talk up the governor's creds. A news release attacked the media for Blunt's low approval ratings:
"Governor Blunt has a great story to tell, and he is not going to let a media filter and a biased press corps keep Missourians from hearing about the positive things that are happening in this state. From education, to jobs, to the effective operation of state government, our Governor is taking his track record straight to Missourians because at the end of the day, that's all that matters to him."At the end of the day, we wish people would quit using that hack phrase. Especially in tandem with the same tired attacks on the media. We don't know one reporter who made cuts to the Medicaid program.
2008 already...I guess I pulled a Rip Van Winkle. Last thing I remember it was 2006. Tell me, who won the New Hampshire primary?
Blunt's internal poll numbers must be tanking. This is the same tactic Holden tried when he realized he was in trouble. I think he at least lasted till the third year of his term. Bad news for the boy Gov. It didn't work for Holden.
I think he believes that two full years of slick Republican media spin can hide the truth from the voters. The problem is his fellow Republicans face election in six months.
Hmmm ... I seem to recall the statewide media pounding Holden pretty good, too. From his million-dollar innagural ball right up to the dismal end. Gosh, why didn't those biased liberals prop up Bob during those four years?
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