WPXI reports:
The official last day for workers will be Monday. A deal was put in place to allow Rolling Rock workers to keep their jobs.From the glass lined tanks of Old Latrobe, we tender this premium beer for your enjoyment as a tribute to your good taste. It comes from the mountain springs to you. Well, it used to.
The union approved an agreement with City Brewing on Sunday. The Wisconsin-based company will buy the Latrobe Brewery from In-Bev USA. The Rolling Rock beer brand was sold to Anheuser-Busch.
Production of the beer will move to Newark, N.J.
Loved the painted labels ...
Loved the green bottles ...
Loved the motto ...
Loved the glass-lined tanks ...
Heck, I even love good old Latrobe, even though I've been there ... thanks to Rolling Rock.
Now I'm in Rolling Shock .... One more uniquely local and memorable swatch of Americana, gobbled up by the vast bland-making machinery of modern commerce ... ain't that a shame!
For Cryin' out loud - they both suck - what's the worry - so the label won't be painted on
I'm just hoping the recipes get mixed and Bud winds up producing an actual beer.
Well, I probably won't be buying Rolling Rock anymore... think I'll switch to He'Brew.
Arnold Palmer is from Latrobe, and he's pretty much gone flat, too.
guess what, Anheuser Busch liked what they saw in Rolling Rock, that's why they bought it. I'm sure they aren't going to be filling the bottles with Bud Light hoping people won't notice. You all need to learn to embrace change, especially when things don't change that much. The world is still going to rotate the same direction it always has.
Gee, Dad. Thanks for that meaningful sermon. We're all better now.
Come to think of it, that's just what I said to myself the morning after Bush's re-election. Sure enough, we are continuing to spiral down in the same direction.
You sure are a smart guy, Dad.
Or are you Mom?
How can you even compare one company buying another to the re-election of Bush? That's the most retarded attempt at a comparison I've ever heard.
He's just confused. He probably thinks the Busch in Anheuser-Busch is part of the Bush family.
Don't confuse the two. The first Busch allows you to cope with the looney-left. The second Bush makes you glad they're not in charge.
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