Another loud (our fault) and boisterous (John Stone's fault) night with the Springfield Bloggers. Andy Cline at Rhetorica has the podcast.
An item discussed during the meeting involved the possibility of the bloggers, as a group, sponsoring community forums this fall. We'd like to explore issues -- how to get more younger voters to the polls, for starters -- and we'd like to do more than sit around and drink fine beer from Patton Alley Pub.
More as it happens. Thanks to all who made it out.
"Podcast"??? Is it for entertainment??? You're kidding, right???
I listened to the Patton Alley party for about 2 minutes before coming to some conclusions: you people need real jobs - and friends.
Someone has a high opinion of themselves...
What's worse is that just like their ANON tag, this person seemed to be too intimidated by our motly band of bloggers to actually speak up and join us.
Maybe its Newster or "The Pedant" testing the waters?
Hey, Bryan, I was not present for the "meeting" Nor did I take advantage of the "podcast."
I was at home with a cold beer and the Fox News Channel.
But thanks for thinking of me.
Bryan, Newtster can't come to blog meets. He doesn't have a blog. He only squats.
Dear Anonymous: What would you define as a real job? And I would question the call for friends for anyone who isn't secure enough to identify themselves.
Grow skin, folks. If you rise to take the smelly bait that the first poster here laid out, you will waste your time arguing with idiots who are unlikely to ever see things your way. Focus your energies on something besides encouraging more cheap shots to be lobbed at you.
I have a question. I have noticed most photographs on the blog are from the nose up. Why isn't their entire face used in the picture?
For me, it's all my Cone of Reasonable Privacy (Pat.Pend., TM, All Rights Reserved, Not Valid In Wisconsin) allows.
I love it. Visions of Get Smart are running through my head. Thanks for the laugh.
Eh, what do I know? I'm just a dumb ol' carpet-cleaning guy who writes amateur blogs for low wages and little pay. None, in fact.
I suggest we all just go lie down on some railroad tracks and wait, for we are but lowly, unedumucated simpletons who need real jobs and real friends - as defined by someone with... um, credentials, I presume?
/sarcasm off
Man, I'm going to have to get me a top-part-o'-the-head pic, too! Maybe it's a Springfield thing :-)
--A. Cline
The 417pissant must've been hiding in the shadows at Patton Alley. No wonder he/she/it wrote such a whiny, snooty anonymous comment, up at the top of this column. Then, it went back to its moms' basement, fired up the ancient Texas Instruments brand computer, and pounded out more 417punditry. Such as it is.
Come out of the corner, wussy-person. We triple-dog dare you.
Thanks so much for this article, quite effective piece of writing.
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