Wednesday, September 05, 2007


The blog View from "I" Level turned us on to this test from Similar Minds, where you can learn which of nine famous leaders you're most like.

Take the test, tell us which leader shares your personality. We aligned with John F. Kennedy. Go figure:


Desdinova said...

How about that? I'm Mother Teresa. I've been compared several times to Stalin, but I'm glad to find out I'm a nun.

Anonymous said...

No one would accuse you of being Hitler, Ron. You're not a conservative Republican so it wouldn't be the hip trend. ;)

Anonymous said...

Pavarotti is dead.

Gary Wright said...

Anyone get a point for Pavarotti, Ron?

Ron Davis said...

The lovely Addie Broyles clocked in with Pavarotti at 11:57 p.m. Wednesday. Score!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jason, you're a moron. If you intend to profile Conservatives, I guess I just profiled a lib.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 10:32...if you had stopped for a second to actually engage your brain you would have seen that I was taking a swipe at those on the left who are branding anyone who is a conservative to be like Hitler. Hence the reference to it being a "hip trend."

It's knee-jerk reactions like yours that give those on the left ammunition to attack conservatives as closed-minded people with no comprehension of the world around them.

Anonymous said...

I was in a hurry when I read the postings. You have my apology.

Anonymous said...

Albert Einstein huh?... Are they calling me Jewish!?... I'm a little disappointed I didn't get Idi Amin though Ron

Anonymous said...

I took the test and came up JFK too.

Sky Girl said...

I came up with Gandhi.

Anonymous said...

Geeez! Bill Clinton. I should have lied.

Ron Davis said...

Jason: It's not just the left playing the Hitler card. There are many conservatives who think it's funny to refer to the senator from New York as "Hitlery."

Busplunge said...

took the short test: Sadam Hussein
took the longer test: same result
took the longest test: JFK

Actually that probably makes me more like our current leader, dubya: keep going until you find an answer you like.

Anonymous said...


I hadn't heard that one before. This name calling is really getting out of hand.

Anonymous said...

Actually Ron:

I need to ponder---but---the test is interesting---did President Ford comments he opposed the war cause a distraction----i.e. call say now Sadam must hang?

The main issue is a level playing field where those with money and those without--- have a say in how the government operates. Kerry worth billions---Hillary with 50 million---

The main thing the internet---the Genie let loose was the idea the people have and should have the right to choose their destiny on this earth --- and even Ron Paul said it good through their Representatives.

The real problem we have is ideas are personalities and if someone does not like you are toast yes including media. I.E. Not money or power should rule the outcome of a better life for the people.

Anonymous said...

Just call me Einstein. lol.

Anonymous said...

Hillary has a long way to go to be anything like Hiltler... although they do share an affinity for socialism.