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Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Barack Obama gets a new limousine on Jan. 20. This, of course, gives racists and their fellow travelers the green light to make tired jokes.
Witness this Free Republic thread about the new president's limousine, and how it's viewed by the mouth-breathers on the fringe right. One Freeper called Obama's inauguration:
oh.. .you mean the pimp 'n ho ball in washdc on jan 20?
I'm sick of these attitudes. What is the least idiot-filled place to live in the US?
Even some of the folks in/around Springfield are driving me crazy. It never bothered me until the election. For some reason, the election has really affected my view of Ozarks. I don't know why that's what did it for me.
All jokes aside the latest rumor is that Playboy Magazine has been the first to offer Sarah Palin One Million bucks to do a live spread in its magazine this summer. It didn't take long for National Geographic to give the same offer to Michelle Obama.
Rev. Joseph Lowery: 'Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around... when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen'...
Now, say what you want about Free Republic. I can still remember horrible comments about Republicans from The Huffington Post, The Daily Kos, Move and so on.
I guess you Liberals are only outraged when the crosshairs are on you.
Anon 4:46pm I have no idea who this liberal wingnut Gregg Hartley is, but I have an idea for a substitute candidate. How about running Doug Harpool to a Kum n Go, invest .50, put him on the tire pump and run him downtown in the next Labor Day parade as an over stuffed Democrat dog tick.
Oh, wait, he tried to beat Roy Blunt once before and he had the Botox beat out of him.
How about one of our former Council members? Yeah, now there's change we can believe in.
After some of Obama's screw-ups in his first 11 days in office, I'll bet you a dollar-to-a-doughnut he knows his opponents and many of them are on his left.
I didn't think the liberals would begin to eat their own so quickly.
What a bunch of idiots.
I'm sick of these attitudes. What is the least idiot-filled place to live in the US?
Even some of the folks in/around Springfield are driving me crazy. It never bothered me until the election. For some reason, the election has really affected my view of Ozarks. I don't know why that's what did it for me.
Then, move. Try Soho or Frisco. You're just a liberal living in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Can you believe Roy Temple sold his soul and took a job working for Blunt's brownbag guy Gregg Hartley??
Robin must be furious and rightly so. We needed him to help us beat Blunt in 2010.
Why would he do this?
All jokes aside the latest rumor is that Playboy Magazine has been the first to offer Sarah Palin One Million bucks to do a live spread in its magazine this summer. It didn't take long for National Geographic to give the same offer to Michelle Obama.
Thank you, Anonymous 8:32, for proving racism and stupidity are alive and well in the Ozarks.
Rev. Joseph Lowery: 'Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around... when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen'...
CHANGE? Just another racist in the Obama camp.
Now, say what you want about Free Republic. I can still remember horrible comments about Republicans from The Huffington Post, The Daily Kos, Move and so on.
I guess you Liberals are only outraged when the crosshairs are on you.
Anon 4:46pm I have no idea who this liberal wingnut Gregg Hartley is, but I have an idea for a substitute candidate. How about running Doug Harpool to a Kum n Go, invest .50, put him on the tire pump and run him downtown in the next Labor Day parade as an over stuffed Democrat dog tick.
Oh, wait, he tried to beat Roy Blunt once before and he had the Botox beat out of him.
How about one of our former Council members? Yeah, now there's change we can believe in.
Lets not forget the L.A. Times and the racist cartoons of Condi.
After some of Obama's screw-ups in his first 11 days in office, I'll bet you a dollar-to-a-doughnut he knows his opponents and many of them are on his left.
I didn't think the liberals would begin to eat their own so quickly.
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